How Sun City West Is Governed
Sun City West is an unincorporated area. This means that there is no city government, mayor or staff to address the needs of the community. PORA is the quasi-governmental entity that acts as a vehicle for communicating those community needs and works to address and resolve them. That is, PORA works with Maricopa County, its agencies, the Board of Supervisors and state and federal legislators to enact and implement related policies. PORA has a strong relationship with the Sun City Home Owners Association (SCHOA) on mutual community concerns and helps provide a solid single voice to issues or concerns. PORA is growing the relationship with the local area school districts to help communicate information.
PORA stands poised to support the community of Sun City West and works with area agencies on critical issues and needs. In advocating as a voice of impact with government at all levels, PORA’s advocacy is strongly reflected in its role of intervenor with utility rate proceedings, road safety, transportation and water issues.
The Property Owners and Residents Association (PORA) has a board of 7 elected community members. PORA, the Sun City West Property Owners and Residents Association, is a non-profit organization serving the interests of the unincorporated community of Sun City West since 1979. Membership and business service fees support PORA’s efforts in being the voice for good government in Sun City West and supporting the community with programs and events. In addition to its Vendor Consumer Services and Education Program. PORA maintains offices for the Sun City West Visitors Center, and a satellite office for the Arizona State Attorney General. PORA operated under the leadership of Team Leaders and Staff.
PORA’s Board of Directors serve voluntarily and look after the interests of Sun City West by working with local, state, county and Federal governments on issues impacting the community. PORA intervenes and participates in all utility rate proceedings before the AZ Corporations Commission. (ACC).
The Recreation Centers of Sun City West, Inc. is responsible for operating and maintaining the community’s $100-million worth of recreational amenities. A Governing Board of 9 elected residents sets overall policy and hires a General Manager to run the day-to-day operations. Members of the Governing Board head various committees that are advisory in nature and which take advantage of the great wealth of experience existing within the community.